Metaroom® partners with Palette CAD for Enhanced 3D Modeling Integration  

Metaroom® and Palette CAD Integration for 3D Modeling

In the ever-evolving world of 3D design, technology continues to push the boundaries of what is possible. The recent partnership and integration between Metaroom® and Palette CAD is an important milestone in this journey. This collaboration leverages the strengths of the Metaroom solution and the robust Palette CAD design software. It enables a seamless transition […]

Unveiling the Next-Gen Features of Metaroom: Elevate Your 3D Modeling Experience 

Metaroom Update 2024 showing new features in the Metaroom App and MEtaroom Studio

In the ever-evolving world of 3D modeling, the Metaroom platform is once again at the forefront, introducing groundbreaking updates to both the Metaroom App and Metaroom Studio. These enhancements not only streamline the 3D modeling process but also integrate cutting-edge 3D technology to bring your designs to life.  Let’s dive into the new features that make […]

ReluxDesktop Export Guide: From Scans to Bright Spaces

iPhone screens from Metaroom App and Scan together with Desktop Computer that shows Export to Relux Sofrware

Export your Metaroom scans into Relux with our step-by-step guide. Learn to seamlessly integrate 3D models into Relux for enhanced lighting design and analysis, ensuring a smooth transition from scan to application. This guide is essential for professionals seeking efficient workflows in lighting planning and design.

Secure and Privacy-aware Cloud Computing

Metaroom prioritizes secure, privacy-aware cloud computing.
Our latest blog post delves into how we safeguard your data and ensure confidentiality. Discover the robust measures we implement to protect your 3D models and sensitive information in the cloud. Learn about our commitment to security.

Beyond Human Capacity: AI and the New Era in Facility Management

Facility Manager at work with his iPad

Discover how Metaroom revolutionizes facility management.
Our latest blog post explores its impact on space planning and management, highlighting the app’s ability to create accurate 3D models quickly and mark important areas. This innovation offers facility managers a practical tool for efficient space utilization and planning, enhancing workflow and decision-making in real-time.

Expanding Horizons: Metaroom Studio’s New Export Formats

To successfully handle files, a businessman uses a contemporary computer. a virtual online documentation database, and process automation.

Metaroom now offers diverse export formats for 3D models,
enhancing compatibility with various software. Users can choose from different formats, ensuring seamless integration with different sofrware. This update facilitates smoother workflows for professionals in design, facility management, AEC, BIM and wireless network planning.